To become better at journaling is to grow. I’m not saying that being a better journaler fits any specific mold. A good journaler doesn’t have to have neat handwriting. They don’t have to cover thousands of diaries with daily entries, never skipping a single day. They don’t have to bullet journal, or keep a day-to-day…
All posts in Wonders
A Guide to Bullet Journaling for the Discouraged (w/ a Freebie!)
Dear Reader, before I begin, I’d like to announce that I will be running different ONLINE EVENTS for my Autumn Challenge! Anyone can join, and I’d LOVE to see you there! Please check out this INSTAGRAM POST for details! I started bullet journaling in 2018 with a pack of multicolored pens and a lined notebook.…
The (Socially Distanced) Autumn Challenge: Announcement!
I have a confession to make: I used to despise Autumn. As September crept in, I cringed, awaiting what I felt was the most horrific time of the year. I grew up in a city without seasons, where the greatest seasonal change was the difference between hot and less hot. So, when I moved to…
Ten Envelope Decoration Ideas // Guest Post by Hanne T.
Note from Sophia: Hello, fellow adventurers! Today, we have a guest post from Hanne T. about different ways to decorate envelopes. I’m super excited! Hey everyone! I’m super excited to be hopping on Sophia’s blog today to share a blog post with you to celebrate its relaunch! If you don’t know me, I’m Hanne! I…
My Dad, COVID-19, and Other Things I’ve Learned Lately
It’s hard to take a deep breath with your mouth covered by a mask. In actuality, a thin piece of fabric should not stop anyone from taking a much-needed whiff of oxygen. There’s something about the change of feeling, the lack of air touching your nostrils, that causes anxiety. When you’re in a new situation,…